Here is my home made PowerShell script template to get notified about server health. The script will execute the commands you wish and paste the results into an e-mail for delivery via an SMTP server.
#Creates and Array which stores the information to send an e-mail via the SMTP server for later use. With the empty quotation marks we add additional empty lines to the e-mail to make it more readable.
[string[]] $SMTPArray = “From:”, “To:”, “Subject: Hello World !”, “”, “”, “Body field of your eMail”
#Example action to execute. You can execute anything you want and add it later to your e-mail. Thus you will be notified about your server health.
$ipcon = ipconfig
#Creating a variable for later use.
$SMTPMailPath = “C:\Temp\eMail.txt”
#Creating a variable for later use.
$tempPath = “C:\Temp”
#Test-Path will check if there is a Temp directory under the C:\ drive. If not it will create the directory and afterwards it will create the eMail.txt. If the directory exists it will create the eMail.txt immediately.
Test-Path -Path $tempPath -PathType Container
if ( -Not (Test-Path $tempPath))
$null = New-Item -Path $tempPath -ItemType Directory
#do nothing
#Create eMail.txt file under the C:\Temp directory.
New-Item $SMTPMailPath -type file
#Add to “C:\Temp\eMail.txt” file the SMTPArray and afterwards the result of ipconfig
Add-Content $SMTPMailPath $SMTPArray, $ipcon
#Replace the “C:\inetpub\mailroot\Pickup” with your SMTP Pickup Folder Path. This line copies the created eMail.txt file to the SMTP PickUp folder for delivery.
Copy-Item $SMTPMailPath “C:\inetpub\mailroot\Pickup”
#Removes the C:\Temp\eMail.txt file.
Remove-Item $SMTPMailPath
Good luck !