Problem Description :
After migration from System Center Operations Manager 2012 or 2012 SP1 to 2012 R2 SCOM Accounts , and UNIX/Linux Accounts can disappear.
This problem can also occur if duplicate accounts exists in the database.
Resolution :
Basically check the dbo.CredentialManagerSecureStorage Table, UserName Column for duplicate UserNames.
If duplicate names exist remove all duplicate accounts based on the SecureStorageElementId from the UserName Column and from the dbo.LocalizedText table with the below SQL query. You should type the appropriate SecureStorageElementId to the below SQL query.
DELETE FROM dbo.CredentialManagerSecureStorage
WHERE dbo.CredentialManagerSecureStorage.SecureStorageElementId = ’36E35284-8D9E-488B-BDA4-C9178FDB92FC’
DELETE FROM dbo.LocalizedText
WHERE dbo.LocalizedText.LTStringId = ’36E35284-8D9E-488B-BDA4-C9178FDB92FC’;
Note : UNIX\Linux Account UserName’s should begin with SCXUser…. This is the correct format. If the string is not like in the screenshot above we can define it as a corrupt entry. It should be deleted from the database with the above SQL query and should be re-created over the SCOM Console.
Please do not forget to restart the Systrem Center Configuration and Data Access Service afterwards.
Good luck !