Home HOW-TO How to find out which Monitor is configured in which Subscription in System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2

How to find out which Monitor is configured in which Subscription in System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2

by Cengiz Kuskaya

To find out which Monitor is configured in which Subscription we can use the below PowerShell scripts.

Open Operations Manager PowerShell window :

1) First we need to find out the Monitor ID of the Monitor. To find out the Monitor ID execute the below command from the Operations Manager Shell.

Get-SCOMMonitor -DisplayName "My_Monitor_Name" | Format-List -Property DisplayName, Id

2) With the second PowerShell command we will retrieve the Subscription names by providing the Monitor ID.

Get-SCOMNotificationSubscription |
Where-Object {$_.configuration.Criteria -like '*Type_the_Monitor_ID*'} |
Format-List DisplayName

Good luck !